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Article: Gorillaz X Superplastic, it goes on!

Gorillaz x Superplastic, ça continue !

Gorillaz X Superplastic, it goes on!


The group's fans just have to stand well, the perfect Christmas gift is at your fingertips. Thanks to Superplastic, they will soon have the possibility of shopping not a but Two new figurines of Gorillaz Group, Following that of 2D as mimetic and pop as the virtual version. The group of Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett even teased pictures of the figurines, history of putting you water in the mouth. A new way so celebrating the exit of Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez, Seventh album of Gorillaz.

If you are sure you already listen to this loop album, we are also sure that you will not be able to resist creating a new collection of figurines from your cherished group. After 2D, These are the murdoc and noodle figures Who get them in superplastic! So, yes, apart from the photos posted respectively on the Instagram account of gorillaz and superplastic we have little clues, if not that we should know more or even discover the actual figurines tomorrow. We do not know for you but we have eyes riveted on their accounts ...

And we have a good look because the surprise is total: they are not two but 4 figurines that are out, including a set of the 4 figurines to form the group! In addition to Noodle and Murdoc, already teases, we find a new 2D figurine (without its microphone) but also Russel with its battery. Superplastic andGorillaz have definitely promoted wellSong Machine, Season One: Strange TIMEZ!

Credits: Superplastic / Gorillaz

Source: Gorillaz / Superplastic Instagram

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