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Article: STRANGERS Paranoia and Narcosis by Coarse

STRANGERS Paranoia and Narcosis by Coarse

STRANGERS Paranoia and Narcosis by Coarse

Scheduled on the site of Artoyz for the spring of 2018, STRANGERS is the second piece of the series Coarse - Ethos and details the pain of nostalgia and the consequences of the passage of time. Measuring 14 "[35.5 cm], it truly symbolizes a sense of discomfort or pain due to the passage of time.

As it is described on the site: "You have eclipsed me like a moon, but the shadow has changed both of us, by the time it was over you had gone, and now we are strangers again" . All a symbol!

Coarse began in 2003 when German artists Mark Landwehr and Sven Waschk began developing their own style of sculpture in Los Angeles. Through the use of figurines as an artistic medium, their sculptural narration depicts surrealist scenes, stories that evoke a second reality, withering friendships, the bursting of innocence and vengeance lurking in the corners.

Over the past decade, artists have evolved, gaining international recognition and collectors worldwide. They focus mainly on statues that range from small to life-size mainly in resin, fiberglass and wood. These are unique pieces or small limited series and are entirely made by the artists themselves.

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