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Article: 7 good reasons to love back to school


7 good reasons to love back to school

Jean-Ludovic, on the board!

- Many children will cry these next days. A lot.

-Those who govern us and who have tanned rather well during the month of August by distilling this condolences and pointing to the pointers will finally start to work to get our country from the inextricable handling in which we are.

- Those who direct our unions and who have rather not tanned this summer given the rotten time in Brittany by constantly complaining about the interventions of our ministers on subjects as useless as dispensable will soon be back up (another week of vacation must Not messing around) before going out on the street, swinging obsolete slogans for the attention of our leaders who will damn it royally and will continue to eat caviar toy to the ladle.

- Summer will finally arrive in Paris 3 months late.

- A plethora of new programs and emissions will tumble on the air and obviously 75% will not pass in the fall. On the rest alone a quarter will be decent and we will follow them with a distracted eye with the help of half a question ... and half of beer too.

- Christmas is a little closer today than two months ago if my calculations are correct; And they are because I have a new calculator that makes the integrals and in which I can also put the irregular verbs, unless we have Monsieur Écoubert in main teacher it is rewarf it will confiscate them, we will punctuate the tires Its blue K-Way AX.

- and above all: we are back in business (without ever having left them too much) with in our schoolbag a quantity of new toys To make the little Kevin who thought they were impressing us pale by taking out a brand new, brand new spider caps and the last number of the One Piece manga that his cousin brought him back from Japan (understanding by tonkam is Japan for the fewer 16 years old, at least it was in my time / fashion old con off).

No Kevin you do not have the monopoly of the playground, certainly your kickers are as bright as your new pair of glasses, but Little Emma Who thinks that you look like tokio hotel guitarist gets completely infected

"How was it too beautiful you saw?" - laughing uproariously -

I did not stop listening to the new album this summer with my grandmother's house !! - smile-

Have you seen them at the Hit Machine? I really want to be serious to learn German now to get married to Tom-again a powerful and noisy laugh that would tend to considerably annoy the interlocutor if he was in the same room and not behind his computer-

I leave you I will read Love Hina. Bisouxxx

Small vanilla flower - It's back to school Yep! left the conversation "(corrected transcription of an imaginary discussion MSN between and

This is why rather than unnecessarily spending the family allowance bonus in the agendas, notebooks and other costly supplies, it is fashionable to stick the fantastic new Artoyz stickers across the stupid hero of Yu- Gi-oh that you will spontaneously receive by ordering on (the stickers eh, not the notebooks).

Remember to also mark all the events where we will be present in September, will have to grease your Vélib to follow us (or Velo’V for Lyonnais).

Artoyz is already tomorrow. And tomorrow is already today. Let's not waste time.

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