Kun, Sxh, Cap'n & Other Short Words ...

When the most observed Japanese Punk Toymakers at the moment join forces to produce a figurine, chances are that many collectors fall into syncope.
Secret and Bounty Hunter have proposed a few hours ago a new version of the Sukerru kun dx. The Kun is undoubtedly one of BXH's coolest figurines and perfection of detail is reached with this pointed helmet on the booth.
When lying on Sunday morning (the Japanese do not go to Mass, they can buy figurines after going to the non-market?), Lucky people have been able to acquire this splendid Toy for a big handle of tickets Greens ($ 160). In addition to the figurine, it was also possible to put the hand and the rest of the body in the collaborative t-shirt Secret hunter black and white.
In the Collaboration section we could also find the first version of the Captain Bounch Who has been expected since, hum let me count, 2007 - 1997, I ask 7 I retire 3, yes 10 years already. While Bounty Hunter came out the first Vinyl Toy in the person of Kid Hunter, a T-shirt with the effigy of Capt'n was already turning. A decade later it's in flesh and plastic that the breakfast hero, reviewed and corrected, finally sees the day.
A first color version of this captain crochet will be another collaborate, this time with the annoying Hong Kongs of Silly Thing Who also love figurines and German vehicles with a horse power force. This will inaugurate in this case the Silly Thing Toy Corp. that will be logically the most trendy of the toylabels without even charging
The second photo shows us a black version that is certainly the Japanese version even if a few touches of paintings could embellish our crippled. Patients and watch.
Now a question arises, why this passion of the characters of American cereal boxes we have never seen on any breakfast table on the old continent ...?
We know that Hikaru de bxh was raised on an American basis and that he bathed in all this culture during his teenager, but more seriously, do you imagine him to eat cereals in the morning with his studded leather jackets while listening to a piece of the exploited? Oh nothing amazes me anyway ....
Yours about Hikaru you have seen the trailer of Toypunks ? Stop everything you were doing at the moment and prepare you have a handful of total unproductive minutes by viewing this YouTube link.