New! Sentai Maria comes in DIY version
After A recent exit in Glow in the DarkAlways available on our site, the artist's model SOASIG CHAMAILLARD come back White version to customize. Perfect continuity of our collaboration, this figurine is still inspired by the work of the artist "Pink strength, etc" realized in 2012. If this expression reminds you of something this is thanks to THE CULTURE OF SENTAI, television series having broken in France at the beginning of the 90's. With their colorblock and very bonding costumes, we must confess, these pop heroes rocked the childhood of many of us.
It's talking with The Albane GalleryWhere Soasig Chamaillard made his exhibition "New appearances"but also to collectors that the idea of a DIY version appeared. Besides, is not it an additional wink to the Virgin Mary than to release a version of a pristine white? Once again, the diversion of the image so sacralized of the Virgin Mary is at its height. And that's the heart of Soasig Chamaillard's work that highlights the power of the image (whatever its nature) as well as pop but terribly subtle appropriation of a religious symbol like the Virgin.
Like always The edition is very limited (100 copies only) So do you just go here to discoverThis DIY model of Sentai Maria ARTOYZ ORIGINALS X SOASIG CHAMAILLARD presented to 59,90€.
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